Andreas Schäfer - dekaf

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»Ich bin kein Nerd, aber ich bin ständig gefährdet.«

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One of my major problems with politics (as already stated somewhere in this weblog) is that I'm having a hard time identifying myself with the labels of most parties or finding my views within certain political lines. This morning, however, I read this at Doc Searls weblog:

[..] Like most Libertar...

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Ein Zitat


Adam Carolla gestern nach den Oscars im Radio, speziell bezüglich Halle Berrys hysterischem Auftritt über Schauspieler (sinngemäß):

"What's with the hysteria. They shouldn't take themselves so seriously, it's not like they do anything redeeming [..] and most of them are just mentally deformed...

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You know you're back in San Francisco when your laundromat has a better web site than most Fortune 500 companies. And it serves beer.
found @ b-may

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America is too patriotic, says Norman Mailer and who am I to disagree with Norman Mailer?

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I wouldn't dare to serve a direct link to one of the most disturbing funny things I have seen in a long time, but feel free to find it yourself by browsing over to Something Awful. People with Photoshop, a wicked sense of humor and too much time on their hands - gotta love those children's books.

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Anatomie des Surrealen: "Mein Hals ist meine Achillesferse" - wenn man schon über Krankheitsbilder spricht.

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»What the boy had felt was something pure, something gentle, something that predates sex or sensual fulfillment. It was the simple desire to reach out and touch a loving body, to be held in loving arms. Tenderness is a deeper instinct than seduction, which is why it is so difficult to give up hop...

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